GEOGRAPHY - The BEST subject in the World!

You can travel the seas, poles, and deserts and see nothing. To really understand the world you need to get under the skin of the people and places. In other words, learn about geography. I can't imagine a subject more relevant in schools. We'd all be lost without it.
(Michael Palin - Supporter of the Action Plan for Geography)

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

If the Earth were a village of a hundred people

This year the world population tipped over 7 billion. It is practically impossible to image the actual size of the Earth and it's population. So try condensing it into a community of just 100 people and check out this Miniature Earth website!
What if, rather than grapple with endless triplets of zeros, we shrank the world, and all the potentially flummoxing data we mine from it, down to a more manageable size? What if the world were a truly global village of, say, 100 people? What would those faces look like, and who would those people be? How many people would be from Oceania? Click on the link and find out!

There are lots of other versions of this idea too, try finding more in an internet search. Why do you think different versions have slightly different results?

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